How to add photos to the Photo Gallery?

How to add photos to the Photo Gallery?

To add photos to the Photo Gallery please follow the steps given below:

Step 1: 
          To add photos to the photo gallery go to the Connect module on pallette, go to the photo
            gallery and select add activity in the photo gallery menu.
                         (Connect-->Photo Gallery-->Photo Gallery-->Photo Gallery-->+Activity)

Step 2:
          Fill in the details accordingly.(Class, Section, Subject/General, Activity Title, Date & Description).

Step 3:
          Select the file type.(Image/Video)
          a) If the file type is an image, we can either upload it by selecting choose files option or
          we can also update by copying the URL link.
          b) If the file type is a video then directly the video link can be added.

Step 4:
          After filling all the details, click on Save Activity then the photos will be added.

Applicable only when the approval settings are enabled:

      a) If the approval setting is enabled , then the photo gallery will be shown in the parent portal only
      after it is approved by the principal/co-ordinator.

      b) If the approval setting is not enabled then the photo gallery will be directly appeared in the
      parent portal.


     aTo give the access to the principal/co-ordinator for the approval of Photo Gallery please follow
      the settings given below:
                      (Settings-->Organisation-->Organisation Settings-->Communication Settings)

      b)To enable the approval settings and approve the photos added , please follow the
      settings given below:
                        ( Communication-->Approvals -->Approve Photo Gallery)


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