How do I Delete library publishers?
To delete Library Publishers, kindly follow the below-mentioned path.
Library ----> Library ---> Library Publishers ---> Add Publishers ----> Click on delete against the publisher.
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How do I edit library publishers?
To edit or update Library Publishers, kindly follow the below-mentioned path. Library ----> Library ---> Library Publishers ---> Add Publishers ----> Click on Edit and Save.
How do I add Library publishers?
To add Library Publishers, kindly follow the below-mentioned path. Library ----> Library ---> Library Publishers ---> Add Publishers ----> Click on Add and Save.
How to add Library Publishers ?
To create publishers for the library, follow the steps below. At the organization or admin level, you can add publishers to the library. Library---> Library Settings--->Library Publishers---> Click on Add ---> Enter Publisher Name and Save.
How to update Library Publishers in Bulk?
We can upload the publishers' names in bulk to Create Library Publishers. Kindly adhere to the instructions given below. Library---> Library Settings---> Library Publishers----> Upload Publishers---> View the file format/Select and Upload.
How do I delete library vendors?
To delete/remove library vendors, kindly follow the below-mentioned path. Library ----> Library ---> Library Vendors ---> Manage Vendors----> Click on Delete against the Vendor.