How to add Admission related Email Templates/Default Templates?

How to add Admission related Email Templates/Default Templates?

To add Admission related Email Templates/Default Templates, follow the steps given below:

Step 1:
         To add Admission related Email Templates/Default Templates, go to the Profile Icon , select the Settings
         and under the Admissions module settings , select the Email Templates.
                            (Profile Icon-->Settings-->Admissions-->Email Templates)

Step 2:
         Select the Branch accordingly. Select Enquiry/Application/Registration/Admission/Pre Admission Exam/
         Re Admission/Send Online Admission Link/General options accordingly against which you want to add
         the Email Templates.

Step 3:
         Select +Default Template/+Template options according to your preference. Select the Template Name,
         Classes, Academic years,Admission Types,Template fields and give the Email Subject, Email Body and
         Email ID's accordingly.Click on Save.
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