The student diary can be updated by the Class Teacher, Subject Teacher, Co-ordinator, Principal, Computer Operator
or data entry operator if access is provided.
Step 1 :
To create Diary, visit Connect on modules pallette, go to Diary module, choose Student diary option
under Diary menu.
( Connect--> Diary Module --> Diary Menu--> Student diary )
Step 2:
Subject wise diary creation --> Users can add both Subject wise diary and General diary on this page.
Subject wise diary :
1. To add a subject wise diary, click on +diary button on the top right corner, select the class, section
and the subject against which you want to add the diary.
2. Fill the details of classwork, homework - task, Home work - Assignment, Homework- project.
3. You can also add attachments against a particular classwork, homework or description by clicking on
choose file.
4. click on save.
Note: If homework assignment and homework project are given in a diary, the submission date and submission time are mandatory.
General Diary:
1. To add a General diary, select the class and section against which you want to add the diary
2. Add the title for the diary.
3. Write the general remarks
4. You can also add attachments against the remarks by clicking on choose file
5. Click on save.
Step 3: Applicable only when approval settings are enabled.
1. If Approval setting is enabled, the diary will be shown only after approval by the principal/coordinator.
2. If Approval settings are not enabled for your school. Diary will be directly published in parent portal as
soon as teacher adds in the dairy.
To approve the dairy visit Connect on modules pallette, go to Diary module, choose Approve Diary option
under Diary menu
(Connect--> Diary--> Approve Diary )