How to Add/Delete the Absent Reasons?

How to Add/Delete the Absent Reasons?

To Add/Delete the Absent Reasons, follow the steps given below:

Step 1:
          To Add/Delete the Absent Reasons,go the ERP,select the SIS module and then select Attendance Timings
          under the Attendance menu.
                                  (ERP-->SIS-->Attendance-->Attendance Timings)

Step 2:
         Select the Attendance Absent Remarks option.The Absent Reasons list will appear.

Step 3:
         To Add the Absent reason, select the Add Absent Reason on the top right corner of the displayed
         page. Select the reason as Other, then describe the reason according to your preference and Click
         on Save.

Step 4:
         To Delete the Absent reason, select the reason accordingly and then click on the delete icon
         against that particular reason. A pop up like Are you sure to Delete will appear. Click on Yes.

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