How to add or manage Learning Goals Success Criteria Grading Scale Statements?

How to add or manage Learning Goals Success Criteria Grading Scale Statements?

To add or manage Learning Goals Success Criteria Grading Scale Statements, follow the steps given below:

Step 1:
      To add or manage Learning Goals Success Criteria Grading Scale Statements, go to the Gradebook on the
      modules palette, select the IB Gradebook and then select Learning Goals Success Criteria Grading Scale
      Statements under the Unit Planners menu.
      (Gradebook-->IB Gradebook-->Unit Planners-->Learning Goals Success Criteria Grading Scale Statements)

Step 2:
       Select the Class Programme,Class,Term,Unit Planner then click on Get option. Select the respective Learning
       Goal and Success Criteria then click on the +icon. Select the +Add and Select the Grade/Grade Point,
       Statement sequence No and Statement and then click on Save.

Step 3:
       The Grades or Statements can be edited or updated by selecting the Edit Icon. To delete the Grades or
       Statements, click on Delete icon.

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