How to add or manage the Goals and Competencies?

How to add or manage the Goals and Competencies?

To add or manage the Goals and Competencies, follow the steps given below:

Step 1:
        To add or manage the Goals and Competencies, go to the Gradebook on the modules palette, select the
        Pre School module and then select the Holistic Domains under the Holistic Assessment menu.
                       (Gradebook-->Pre School-->Holistic Assessment-->Holistic Domains)

Step 2:
         Select the Board, Class Type and Class accordingly and then click on Get option. Select the Goals and
        Competencies option.

Step 3:
        i) To add Goals and Competencies of your preference (Custom Goals and Competencies);
         select the +Add Goals and Competencies option.Select the Subject and give the Learning Goal/Strand
         and add the Subject Outcomes.
       ii) To add the Default Goals and Competencies;
       Select the View Default Goals and Competencies then select the Subject accordingly. Select the Goals
       which are to be added and click on Assign.

Step 4:
        To manage the Goals and Competencies, click on the respective Goal name make the changes accordingly
        and click on Update. The Competencies can also be deleted by clicking on the Delete icon against the
        respective competency.