How to add or manage the Student Interests, Observations,Appreciations and Discipline Observations individual student wise?

How to add or manage the Student Interests, Observations,Appreciations and Discipline Observations individual student wise?

To add or manage the Student Interests, Observations,Appreciations and Discipline Observations individual student wise, follow the steps given below:

Step 1:
       To add or manage the Student Interests, Observations,Appreciations and Discipline Observations of Students,
       go to the Gradebook on the modules palette, select the Pre School module and then select the Learner Profile
       under the Holistic Assessment menu.
                               (Gradebook-->Pre School-->Holistic Assessment-->Learner Profile)

Step 2:
        Select the Board , Class and Section accordingly and click on Get option.Select the Student Overview and the
        Student details will appear.

Step 3:
         To add or manage the Observations, Discipline, Appreciations and Interests by Individual Student wise:

         i) Select the respective student on the left, to add or manage the Interests, select the Student Interests
         option and add or manage the details accordingly then click on Save.

        ii) To add the Observations, select the Observations and click on Add Anecdote Entry.Fill in all the details
        like Context, Purpose of Observation, Observation, Interpretation and Plan of Actions accordingly then
        click on Save Anecdotal Observation. To manage the Observations, click on Edit or Delete icon and
        Update Anecdotal Observation.

       iii) To add the Appreciations or Discipline, select the Appreciations or Discipline accordingly and then
        click on Add Anecdote Entry/Add Discipline Observations according to the option selected. Fill in the
        details accordingly and click on Save. The Details can be managed by selecting the Edit icon or Delete
       icon accordingly.

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