How to Add Staff?

How to Add Staff?

To Add Staff, follow the steps given below:

Step 1:
         To Add Staff, go to the HR on the modules palette, select the HR module and then select Create Staff
         Details under the Staff Details menu.
                                             (HR-->HR-->Staff Details-->Create Staff Details)

Step 2:
         Click on Add Staff. Enter the Staff Mobile Number and then click on the Search option. Click on Continue
         to Create New.

Step 3:
         Fill in the Staff details like Employment status, Staff Type,Department,Designation,Qualification Type,
         Educational Qualification, Access Level and Trained As(TGT/PGT/NTT/PET) then click on Next.

Step 4:
         Fill in the personal details like Name,Mobile Number,Gender,Date of Birth and Email then click on

Step 5:
          Fill the other details like Citizenship, Pay Type and Reference Code and then click on Next. After that
          fill in the Education and Experience Details. Click on Next.

Step 6:
         Fill in the Biometric Details and the Staff Document Details accordingly and then click on Save and
          Continue respectively. The Staff will be added and the details along with the Appointment Letter
          will appear. Click on Close. If you want to Update the Other details of the staff, click on Update
         Other Details. Edit details accordingly and click on Update.
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