How to Add the Enquiry Followup Campaign Templates?

How to Add the Enquiry Followup Campaign Templates?

To Add the Enquiry Followup Campaign Templates, follow the steps given below:

Step 1:
          To add the Enquiry Followup Campaign Templates, go to the ERP on the modules palette, select the
          Admissions module and then select the Enquiry Campaign Templates under the Campaign Management
               (ERP-->Admissions-->Campaign Management-->Enquiry Followup Campaign Templates)

Step 2:
         Click on View Templates option. Select the +Template option. Fill in the details like Email Subject,
         Fields and Email Body and then click on Save option.

Step 3:
         To Edit the Templates, select the respective Email subject and select the Edit icon against the
         selected Email subject. Make the changes accordingly and then Save it.

Step 4:
         To Delete the Templates, select the respective Email subject and select the Delete icon against the
         selected Email subject.Are you to Inactive Template will appear. Click Yes.

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