To Assign and Manage the Application/Registration fee for the Admissions, follow the steps given below:
Step 1:
To Assign and Manage the Application/Registration fee for the Admissions, go to the Profile Icon and
select the Settings. Under the Admissions module settings select the Branch Admission Settings.
(Profile Icon-->Settings-->Admissions-->Branch Admission Settings)
Step 2:
Select the Branch accordingly. Select the App./Reg Amounts option. Select the Pre admission academic
year accordingly.
Step 3:
To assign the Application/Registration fee, click on +Add Amounts option. Fill in the details like Classes,
Admission types(Day scholar/Residential/Semi Residential/Weekly Boarders), Application fee, Registration
fee, Prospectus fee and Fee Collection account according to your preference.
Step 4:
After selecting the details accordingly Click on Save option.
Step 5:
To Edit the Fee details or Fee account , select the Class accordingly with respect to which you want to
update the details then click on the Edit icon against the selected class.After making the changes,Click
on Update.
Step 6:
To Delete the Fee details/Fee Account with respect to the assigned class, click on the Delete icon against
the selected class. Are you sure to delete pop up will appear. Click Yes to delete.
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