How to Assign Class Teachers/Subject Teachers/Co-ordinators?

How to Assign Class Teachers/Subject Teachers/Co-ordinators?

To Assign Class Teachers/Subject Teachers/Co-ordinators, follow the steps given below:

Step 1:
          To Assign Class Teachers/Subject Teachers/Co-ordinators, go to the ERP on the modules palette,
           select the SIS module and then select Teacher Management under Timetable menu.
                                  (ERP-->SIS-->Timetable-->Teacher Management)

Step 2:
          Select the Class Teacher/Subject Teacher/Co-ordinators options accordingly.Select the Board and then
          the staff details who are already assigned will appear.

Step 3:
          Click on Assign Class Teacher/Assign Subject Teacher/Assign Co-ordinator with respect to the option
          selected(class teacher/subject teacher/co-ordinators).

Step 4:
           Select the Staff Type and Search by option then search the staff with respect to the Search by option
           selected.The searched staff profile will appear. We will have options like Subject teacher,Class teacher,
           Co-ordinators and Class Categories Incharges. Select the option in which you want to assign the staff to.
           Then,Click on the +icon against that particular option.

Step 5:
         Select the details like Board and Classes/Subjects accordingly. Click on Get. The sections will appear.
         Select accordingly and then Click on Assign option.

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