To Assign Teachers/Incharges against the Activity Skills, follow the steps given below:
Step 1:
To Assign Teachers/Incharges against the Activity Skills, go to the HR on the modules palette,
select HR module and then select Teacher Management under Staff Details menu.
(HR-->HR-->Staff Details-->Teacher Management)
Step 2:
Select Activity Skill Teacher/Activity Skills Incharge option. The list of the activity skills will
will be appeared.
Step 3:
Select the Activity Skill accordingly against which you want to add the Teacher/Incharge.
a) If you want to assign Teacher,select the +icon against Skill Teacher option with respect to Skill
activity selected.
b) If you want to assign Incharge select +icon against Skill Incharge option with respect to Skill
activity selected.
Step 4:
Select the Staff(Skill Teacher/Skill Incharge) accordingly and then click on
Assign option.