How to Assign the Grading Scale to the Subjects against the Classes?

How to Assign the Grading Scale to the Subjects against the Classes?

To Assign the Grading Scale to the Subjects against the Classes, follow the steps given below:

Step 1:
        To Assign the Grading Scale to the Subjects against the Classes go to the Gradebook on the modules palette,
        select the IB Gradebook and then select the Grade Boundaries under the Gradebook menu.
                           (Gradebook-->IB Gradebook-->Gradebook-->Grade Boundaries)

Step 2:
        Select the Class Programme accordingly and click on the Get option. Select the Class accordingly  
        and the Subject details will appear.

Step 3:
        Select the respective Subject and then click on the Assign Grading Scale option against the selected

Step 4:
        Select the respective Grading Scale to be assigned and ten click on Get. The details will appear and the
        Grading Scale will be mapped.

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