How to assign the Personal/Group Projects to the Students?

How to assign the Personal/Group Projects to the Students?

To assign the Personal/Group Projects to the Students, follow the steps given below:

Step 1:
       To assign the Personal/Group Projects to the Students, go to the Gradebook on the modules palette,
       select the IB Gradebook module and then select the Projects under the Projects menu.
                                      (Gradebook-->IB Gradebook-->Projects-->Projects)

Step 2:
        Select the Class Programme and Class then click on Get. Select the Personal Project/Group Project

Step 3:
       i) If Personal Project is selected, click on Add Project and then fill in the details like Project Name, Aim,
       Description,Level of Project Outcome, Subject, Coordinator and Supervisor then click on Save&Proceed.
       Then select the section and student then give a deadline date then click on Save & Close.

     ii) If Group Project is selected,click on Add Project and fill the details like Project Name, Aim,Project Group
       Description,Level of Project Outcome, Subject, Coordinator and Supervisor then click on Save&Proceed.
      The Student details will appear then click on Save & Close.

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