How to check or get Report Card Formats or Report Card Templates?

How to check or get Report Card Formats or Report Card Templates?

To check or get Report Card formats or Report Card Templates, follow the steps given below:

PATH - 1:   (For Branch Level Users)

Step 1:
         Select the Grade Book module and then select the Report Card Templates under the Manage
                                 (Grade Book-->Manage-->Report Card Templates)

Step 2:
         i) To check school based report card template, select Your School Report Card Template
          option. Select the Academic Year and click on Get. The formats will appear accordingly.
        ii) Select MCB Term Report Card Template Gallery option to check the MCB Templates term
        wise. Select the Master Class, Board, Academic Year and click on Get. The formats or templates
        will appear.

        iii) Select MCB Evaluation Report Card Template Gallery option to check the MCB Templates
         evaluation wise. Select the Master Class, Board, Academic Year and click on Get. The formats or
         templates will appear.

PATH - 2:   (For Admin Level Users)

Step 1:
        Select the Grade Book module and then select the Report Card Templates under the Grade
       Book menu.
                                 (Grade Book-->Grade Book-->Report Card Templates)

Step 2:
         i) To check school based report card template, select Your School Report Card Template
          option. Select the Branch, Academic Year and click on Get. The formats will appear
        ii) Select MCB Term Report Card Template Gallery option to check the MCB Templates term
         wise. Select the Master Class, Board, Academic Year and click on Get. The formats or templates
         will appear.

        iii) Select MCB Evaluation Report Card Template Gallery option to check the MCB Templates
         evaluation wise. Select the Master Class, Board, Academic Year and click on Get. The formats or
         templates will appear.

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