How to Create and Manage the Anecdotes?

How to Create and Manage the Anecdotes?

To Create and Manage the Anecdotes, follow the steps given below:

Step 1:
          To  Create and Manage the Anecdotes, go to the ERP on the modules palette, select SIS module and
          then select Anecdotes Entry under Enrollments menu.
                            (ERP-->SIS-->Enrollments-->Anecdotes Entry)

Step 2:
          Select Create Anecdote option which can be seen on the top right corner of the displayed page.
          Details to be filled will appear.

Step 3:
          Fill the details like Type of Anecdote, Anecdote Name,Max no.of Badges/Stars/Rating. You can also
          update the icon by selecting Upload Icon or Choose From Gallery options.
          a) If you choose Upload Icon option, select the respective file by choosing the Browse option.
          b) If you select the Choose from Gallery option, the icons will be displayed. Select according to
          your preference.

Step 4:
          If you want to Update the Anecdotes in Student Profile or Enable Email Notification to parent,
          select the respective check box. Then, Click on Save. Anecdote will be created.

To Manage the Anecdotes follow the steps given below:

Step 1:
          The list of Anecdotes and details with respect to each Anecdote will be displayed. Against each
           Anecdote an Edit option(Pencil icon) and Delete option will be given.

Step 2:
          Select the Anectode accordingly then click on the Edit option against that particular anecdote.
          Details to be filled will appear.

Step 3:
         Fill the details like Type of Anecdote, Anecdote Name, Max no.of Badges/Stars/Rating. You can also
         update the icon by selecting Upload Icon or Choose From Gallery options.
         a) If you choose Upload Icon option, select the respective file by choosing the Browse option.
         b) If you select the Choose from Gallery option, the icons will be displayed. Select according to
          your preference.

Step 4:
          Click on Update option. The Anecdote details will be updated. You can also delete the anecdote if
           needed, by clicking on the Delete icon.

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