How to create the Enquiry/Application/Registration/Admission form formats?

How to create the Enquiry/Application/Registration/Admission form formats?

To create the Enquiry/Application/Registration/Admission forms, follow the steps given below:

Step 1:
          To create the Enquiry/Application/Registration/Admission forms, go to the Profile Icon, select the Settings
          and then under Admission module settings, select Create Dynamic Enquiry Form.
                              (Profile Icon-->Settings-->Admissions-->Create Dynamic Enquiry Form)

Step 2:
          The forms which are already created will appear. Click on Create New to create the enquiry/application/
          registration/admission forms.

Step 3:
          Give the name to the form.Then,against the given name click on the +icon.Select the branch,academic year,
          board and class category accordingly.Click on the Assign option.

Step 4:
          Click on the Edit form option against the created form with respect to Enquiry/Application/Registration/
          Admission option which you want to edit.

Step 5:
          The form fields selection will appear. Select the respective fields under Student Details/Parent Details/
          Address Details according to your preference and then Click on the Tick mark. The details will be

Step 6:
         To Add Groups like Student Details/Parent Details, select Add System Default Group/Add Custom Group
         according to your preference. Select the details accordingly and then Click on Add/Save Group options

Step 7:
         To Add Fields under Groups,select +Add System Field/+ Add Custom Field according to your preference,
         Select the details according to your preference and then click on Add/Save options respectively.
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