How to create or generate visitor slips for Guests/Outsiders?

How to create or generate visitor slips for Guests/Outsiders?

To create or generate visitor slips for Guests/Outsiders, follow the steps given below:

Step 1:
        Select the Visitor Management module and then select the Visitor Management and then
        select Visitor Management menu.
                 (Visitor Management-->Visitor Management-->Visitor Management)

Step 2:
        Select the Today's Visitors option. Select the respective date and then click on +Guests/

Step 3:
        Select the Purpose of visit, Remarks, Mobile No, Visitor Name, Email ID, Vehicle Type,
        Vehicle No, Temperature, Mask Status, ID Proof then click on Proceed.

Step 4:
        Select the No of visitors, Visitor Image, and additional visitors details then click on

Step 5:
        Select whom to meet option and select the user then click on Send Approval.

Step 6:
       You can Proceed manually or Get Status if waiting for approval. If proceed manually
       is selected then visitor slip will be generated after giving the ID Number and selecting the
       user directly. If sent for approval only after approval the slip can be printed.