How to create or manage the Subjects?

How to create or manage the Subjects?

To create or add the Subjects, follow the steps given below:

Step 1:
        To create or add the Subjects, go to the Gradebook on the modules palette, select the Pre School module and
        then select the Subjects under the Manage Curriculum menu.
                           (Gradebook-->Pre School-->Manage Curriculum-->Subjects)

Step 2:
        Select the respective Board and Class Categories/Programme. The Classes will appear. Select the respective
        class and the Subject Groups will appear.

Step 3:
       Select the respective subject group and click on the +icon to add the Subject.Fill the details like Subject Name,
       Subject Code and Sequence No then click on Save.

Step 4:
       To Edit or Delete the Subjects, click on the Edit Icon or Delete Icon respectively and make the changes.