How to create the Attendance Timing Structure and map the Classes to the Timing Structure?

How to create the Attendance Timing Structure and map the Classes to the Timing Structure?

To create the Attendance Timing Structure map the Classes to the Timing Structure, follow the steps given below:

Step 1:
           To create the Attendance Timing Structure  map the Classes to the Timing Structure, go to the ERP,
           select the SIS module and then select Attendance Timings under the Attendance menu.
                                       ( ERP-->SIS-->Attendance-->Attendance Timings )

Step 2:
         Select the Attendance Timing Structure option and then click on the Create Structure option.
          The details to be filled will appear.

Step 3:
          Fill the details like Structure Name , Attendance Type(Regular Attendance/Period Wise), Timing
          Name(Morning/Afternoon), Start Time and End Time.

Step 4:
         Click on Save option. The Attendance Timing Structure will be created.

Step 5:
          Against every Structure a + icon will be given. To map the classes, select the structure accordingly.
          Then click on the +icon against that particular structure and select the classes to be mapped.
          Then, Click on Assign.

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