How to delete store in Inventory?

How to delete store in Inventory?

To delete store in Inventory, follow the steps given:

Step 1:
         Select the Inventory module and then select the Create Store under the Stores menu.
                                        (Inventory-->Stores-->Create Store)

Step 2:
         Select the Store Creation option. The stores which are added or created will appear.

Step 3:
        To delete a store, first we have to delete the branches assigned to that store then delete icon 
         will appear against the respective store name. Click on Delete icon then store will be deleted.

Step 4:
        If a store is not assigned or mapped to any branches, delete icon will appear against the store name.
        Directly click on that and the store will be deleted.

       A Store cannot be deleted, if branches are assigned. To delete store, unassign the branches and then delete 
       the store.
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