To do the Unit Planners User Management, follow the steps given below:
Step 1:
To manage the Student Subject Groups, go to the Gradebook on the modules palette, select the IB
Gradebook and then select the IB Teacher Management under the Subjects menu.
(Gradebook-->IB Gradebook-->Subjects-->IB Teacher Management)
Step 2:
Select Unit Planners User Management option. Select the Class Program and Class accordingly then click
on Get option.
Step 3:
The Subjects with respect to the selected Class will appear. The Access Types like Author, co-Author,
Collaborator, Coordinator will also appear. To add staff to the respective Access type , click on the
Add Staff Access against the respective Subject.
Step 4:
Select the respective Access Type and Staff accordingly , then click on Save option. You can also Delete
the Staff by clicking on the
Delete icon against the respective Staff Name.