How to do the Unit Planning?

How to do the Unit Planning?

To do the Unit Planning, follow the steps given below:

Step 1:
        To do the Unit Planning, go to the Gradebook on the modules palette, select the IB Gradebook module and
        then select the IB Unit Planning under the Unit Planners menu.
                            (Gradebook-->IB Gradebook-->Unit Planners-->IB Unit Planning)

Step 2:
        Select the Class Programme, Class and then click on Get option. The Units which are created against the
        selected class will appear. Select the Unit and click on View Unit. Different Categories like Inquiry & Action,
        Implementation,Unit Flow,Reflection,Evidencing,Assessments and Resources will be given.

Step 3:
        The Categories like Inquiry & Action, Implementation, Unit Flow, Reflection, Evidencing, Assessments and
         Resources.Update the details accordingly and Save.

Step 4:
        i) By selecting the Inquiry & Action, the Inquiry and Purpose, Curriculum, Connections, ATL Skills and
        Developing IB Learners can be added or managed.

       ii) By selecting the Implementation, the Activities like Class Room Activity, Assessing Learning, Questions
       and Timing - Introduction can be added or managed.

       iii) By selecting Reflections, the Teacher Reflections can be added or managed.
       iv) By selecting Assessments, the Assessments based on Learning Goals Success Criteria or Unit of Inquiries
       can be added or managed.
       v) By Selecting Resources, the files or documents or PDFs can be uploaded based on different criteria.

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