How to enter or update Teachers Remarks for Students?

How to enter or update Teachers Remarks for Students?

To enter or update Teachers Remarks like Class Teacher Remarks or Subject teacher Remarks  for Students, follow the steps given:

Step 1:
       To get or find the Teachers Remarks entry, select the Grade Book module and then select Class Teacher Remarks or Subject wise Remarks 
       sub menus accordingly under the Grade Book Menu.
                                          (Grade Book-->Grade Book--> Class Teacher Remarks/Subject Wise Remarks)

Step 2:
         i) If Class Teacher Remarks option is selected, then fill the details like Class, Section and Term. Click on Get Students. Click on Add/View
         Remarks  and update the remarks accordingly student wise.

         ii) If Subject wise Remarks option is selected,then fill the details like Class, Section, Term, Subject and Evaluation. Click on Get Student
        Remarks. Select Enter Subject wise student Remarks. Select the students accordingly and update the remarks and Save.

Step 3:
        After adding or entering the remarks, to edit/update or delete the Remarks , click on the Edit icon or Delete icons respectively.
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