How to Enter/View the Marks of the Students against the Assessments?

How to Enter/View the Marks of the Students against the Assessments?

To Enter/View the Marks of the Students against the Assessments, follow the steps given below:

Step 1:
        To Enter/View the Marks of the Students against the Assessments,  go to the Gradebook on the modules
        palette, select the IB Gradebook and then select the Assessments under the Gradebook menu.
                         (Gradebook-->IB Gradebook-->Gradebook-->Assessments)

Step 2:
         Select the details like Class Program, Class, Section, Term and Subject accordingly then click on Get Data.
         The Assessments created against the selected Class and Subject will appear.

Step 3:
        Select the respective Assessment against which you want to enter/view the marks and then click on
        View/Enter Marks against the selected Assessment.

Step 4:
        The Student details will appear. Select the Grades/Marks accordingly against the Individual Student.

        The Marks/Grades of the Students can be viewed only when the Entry is done.