How to import/manage the Master Skill Grades of ATL Skills?

How to import/manage the Master Skill Grades of ATL Skills?

To import the Master Skill Grades, follow the steps given below:

Step 1:
         To import the Master Skill Grades of ATL Skills, go to the Gradebook on the modules palette, select the
         IB Gradebook and then select the ATL Skill Acquisition Indicators under the ATL Skills menu.
              (Gradebook-->IB Gradebook-->ATL Skills-->ATL Skill Acquisition Indicators)

Step 2:
        Select the respective Programme and then click on the Master Skill Grades option. Select the respective  
        class and Subject Group. The Default Grades will appear. Click on Import Master Grades. The default Skill
        Grades will be added.

Step 3:
       The Grades can also be deleted by clicking on the Delete icon against the respective Grade point. The             
       Indicator Remarks can also be added by clicking on the + icon against the respective Grade points.

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