How to issue items to staff in inventory ?

How to issue items to staff in inventory ?

To issue items to staff in inventory, follow the steps given below:

Step 1:
        Select the Inventory module and then select the Issue Items under the Item Details menu.
                              (Inventory-->Item Details-->Issue Items)

Step 2:
         Select the Staff option then select the Staff Department, Status(Active/Inactive), Staff Name
         then click on Get. Select the +Issue Item option.

Step 3:
        Select the Item Type,  Item Name, Available/Total Quantity, Purpose if Any, Issued Quantity
        then click on Add.

Step 4:
        Give the Voucher No and select the Issued Date then click on Save.

       The Items marked as Staff/General can be issued to Staff and the Items which are marked as Returnable
       can only be returned.
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