How to manage the Transdisciplinary Themes?

How to manage the Transdisciplinary Themes?

To manage the Transdisciplinary Themes, follow the steps given below:

Step 1:
        To manage the Transdisciplinary Themes, go to the Gradebook on the modules palette, select the IB Gradebook
        module and then select the Transdisciplinary themes under the Unit Planners menu.
                      (Gradebook-->IB Gradebook-->Unit Planners-->Transdisciplinary Themes)

Step 2:
        To Add Units against the Themes, select the +Icon against the respective theme and add the details like Unit
        Name,Unit Start and End Date and subjects in focus then click on Save & Next. Then the details like Central Idea,
        ATL Skills,Inquirer,Lines Of Inquiry,Key Concepts and Learning Goals and Success Criteria can be saved.

Step 3:
        The details can be managed by selecting the Edit Icon to edit or manage the details. To delete the details, select
        the Delete icon.

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