To mark parent entry or generate visitor slip for parents, follow the steps given below:
Step 1:
Select the Visitor Management module and then select the Visitor Management under the
Visitor management menu.
(Visitor Management-->Visitor Management-->Visitor Management)
Step 2:
Select Today's Visitors option then select the respective date. Click on +Parent option.
Step 3:
Select the option(Manually/RFID Student/RFID Father/QR Code) by which you want to generate
the visitor slip.
Step 4:
Select the classes, sections and search the student by name/enrollment code/Father or Mother Mobile
No then click on Search.
Step 5:
The Student profile will appear. Select the Who came to School option(Father/Mother/Guardian/Others),
then select the no of visitors if there are any and click on Proceed.
Step 6:
Give the Visitor Mobile No, Email ID, Capture Image Reason, Temperature and Mask Status( On/Off) then click
on Next. Select the Student Pick up or Administration option accordingly.Update the Remarks and select the
Visitor Slip Issued By Details and click on Save.
Step 7:
An otp will be sent to the point of contact or given mobile number, enter otp and Validate then visitor slip will
be generated. Click on Print option to take a print out of slip.