To Schedule a Timetable for the Classes,follow the steps given below:
Step 1:
To Schedule a Timetable for the Classes, go to the Gradebook on the modules palette, select IB Gradebook
module and then select the IB Timetable under Subjects menu.
(Gradebook-->IB Gradebook-->Subjects-->IB Timetable)
Step 2:
Select the Schedule Timetable option.Select the class to which you want to schedule the Timetable.
Then click on Assign Structures to Sections option. The details to be filled will appear.
Step 3:
Select the Timetable Structure accordingly and then select the sections to be assigned. Click on Proceed
to Assign Structure.
Step 4:
To Map Subjects to the Periods, click on the respective section name, the timetable structure
assigned will appear. Select the subjects period wise for all the working days. Then,Click on Save