To schedule/inactivate/edit the automated Fee Reminder Email Alerts for Parents, follow the steps given below:
Step 1:
To schedule/inactivate/edit the Fee Reminder Email Alerts for Parents, go to the AddOns on the
modules palette, select the Automated Alerts module and then select the Fee Reminder Email alerts
(For Parents) under the Automated Email Alerts menu.
(AddOns-->Automated Alerts-->Automated Email Alerts-->Fee Reminder Email Alerts(For Parents))
Step 2:
i) To Schedule the fee reminder email alerts, click on +Add Reminder Setting option. Fill in the details like
Schedule Name,Class Name,Academic Year,Template Name,Schedule Time and then click on the Tick mark.
ii) To Inactivate the alert, select alert accordingly and then click on the Scheduled X option against the
selected alert.
iii) To Edit the alerts, select accordingly and then click on the Edit icon against the selected the alert.
Make the changes accordingly and then click on the Tick Mark.