How to send a special message Via Whatsapp

How to send a special message Via Whatsapp

Step 1:
         To send Special message Via WhatsApp, visit connect on modules pallette go to WhatsApp module,
          choose Send WhatsApp Special message in WhatsApp custom menu.
( Connect --> WhatsApp menu --> WhatsApp Custom --> Send WhatsApp Special Message )

Step 2:
      i. Fill the required details to send the message ( class, section, WhatsApp template., and fill the message
         in the message format.
     ii. Click on Get students
Step 3:
    i. The list of students will appear to whom you can send the message
    ii. You can send the message to individual students by selecting the students or in bulk to all students by
        selecting the all tick box.
   iii. Click on preview and Send WhatsApp message, A pop up message will appear to make sure you want to
         send the message or cancel.
    iv.  Click on send WhatsApp Message

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