How to send General Email to students?

How to send General Email to students?

To send general email to students , please follow the steps given below:

 Step 1:
           To send general email to students, go to Connect on the modules pallette, go to the Email module
           and select Send Email under Email menu.
                                    (Connect-->Email-->Email-->Send Email)

Step 2:
          Select the General Mail option. Details to be filled in will appear.

Step 3:
          Fill in the details like email type, from mail , to mail(parent/student), Contact details, classes,
           sections, status(active/inactive), category(residential/day scholar/semi residential).

Step 4:
          Select the Subject(Standard/Custom). Write down the message to be mailed.

Step 5:
          Select the Send Email option.Attachments can also be uploaded by selecting the Choose Files option.
          It can also be posted in announcements by selecting the check box.Then, the email will be sent
          according to the given details.

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