How to send General Messages to the Students?

How to send General Messages to the Students?

To send General Messages to the Students, follow the steps given below:

Step 1:
         To send General Messages to the Students, go to the ERP on the modules palette, select Communication
          module and then select the New Student Wall(Chat) under the Communication menu.
                      (ERP-->Communication-->Communication-->New Student Wall(Chat))

Step 2:
         Select the Class of the Students to whom you want to send the general messages. Select the General
         group under the Groups tab.

Step 3:
         Select the topic against which you want to send the messages to the students and then click on the
         View Conversation.

Step 4:
         Enter the respective message and then Click on Send. Files/Documents can also be sent if there are
         any by selecting the Attachments icon. Select the respective file/document then click on the Send.

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