How to send Evaluation Test Results via Email?

How to send Evaluation Test Results via Email?

To send Evaluation Test Results via Email , please follow the steps given below:

Step 1:
          To send Evaluation Test Results via Email , go to the Connect on the modules palette, go to the
           Email module,  then select Send marks under Email menu.
                                             (Connect-->Email-->Email-->Send Marks)

Step 2:
          Select the Send Marks by Evaluation Test Wise option on the left of the displayed page. Details
          to be filled will appear.

Step 3: 
          Fill in the details like type , from mail , class , section , term , evaluation and Dates. Select
         on Get Tests option.

Step 4:
         The tests will be displayed. Select the tests accordingly and fill the format(grades/marks) ,
         status(active/inactive),  category(day scholar/residential/semi residential) and contact details.
         Then, Click on Get Students.

Step 5:
         The students details will be appeared. Select the students to whom the mail should be sent to.
         You can also send  to all the students by selecting All option.

Step 6:
          Click on Send Email option. Then,the mail will be sent according to the given details.

Reference Video Link  send Evaluation Test Results via Email

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