How to send SMS/Email regarding the Preadmission Exam Details?

How to send SMS/Email regarding the Preadmission Exam Details?

To send SMS/Email regarding the Preadmission Exam Details, follow the steps given below:

Step 1:
          To send SMS/Email regarding the Preadmission Exam Details, go to the ERP on the modules palette,
          select the Admissions module and then select SMS/Email to Preadmission Exam under the
          Preadmission Exam menu.
                  (ERP-->Admissions-->Preadmission Exam-->SMS/Email to Preadmission Exam)

Step 2:
          Select the Academic Year,Class,Status(Called for exam/Attended/Not Attended/Qualified/Not Qualified),
          Select Type(SMS/Email), Select Exam Date accordingly. Click on Get option.

Step 3:
          i) If Type is selected as SMS, select the students accordingly then click on Proceed. Fill in the details
          like Templates and Template fields and then give the message accordingly. Click on Send.
          ii) If Type is selected as Email, select the students accordingly then click on Proceed. Fill the details
         like Type of Mail,From Email, Templates, Template fields and then give the Email subject and the
         message accordingly. Click on Send.