How to send SMS to the Open Enquiries/Applications taken/Newly Admitted Students?

How to send SMS to the Open Enquiries/Applications taken/Newly Admitted Students?

To send SMS  to the Open Enquiries/Applications taken/Newly Admitted Students, follow the steps given below:

PATH - 1


Step 1:
         To send SMS  to the Open Enquiries/Applications taken/Newly Admitted Students, go to the ERP on the
         modules palette, select Admissions module then select Send SMS/Email under the Enquiries menu.
                                (ERP-->Admissions-->Enquiries-->Send SMS/Email)

Step 2:
          Select Send SMS from the drop down and then select Open Enquiries/Applications taken/Newly
          Admitted Students option according to your preference, to whom you want to send the SMS to.

Step 3:
         i) If Open Enquiries option is selected, fill the details like Academic Year, Branch,Enquiry Stages,Class and
         Contact Details(Father/Mother) accordingly.Click on Get Students.
         ii) If Applications taken option is selected, fill the details like Academic Year, Branch,Application/Registration
         fee,Class and Contact Details(Father/Mother) accordingly.Click on Get Students.
         iii) If Newly Admitted Students option is selected, fill the details like Academic Year, Branch ,Class and
         Contact Details(Father/Mother) accordingly.Click on Get Students.

Step 4:
         The list of the students according to the given details will appear. Select the students accordingly. The
          total count and the selected count will be displayed on the top.Click on Proceed.

Step 5:
         Give the Message description according to your preference.If you want to send the SMS in other
          languages also, select Send Other Languages SMS checkbox and then select the language.
          The given message will be translated in to the selected language. Click on Send SMS.

PATH - 2


Step 1:
         To send SMS  to the Open Enquiries/Applications taken/Newly Admitted Students, go to the ERP on the
         modules palette, select Admissions module then select Send SMS/Email under the Front Office menu.
                                (ERP-->Admissions-->Front Office-->Send SMS/Email)

Step 2:
          Select Send SMS from the drop down and then select Open Enquiries/Applications taken/Newly
          Admitted Students option according to your preference, to whom you want to send the SMS to.

Step 3:
         i) If Open Enquiries option is selected, fill the details like Academic Year,Enquiry Stages,Class and
         Contact Details(Father/Mother) accordingly.Click on Get Students.
         ii) If Applications taken option is selected, fill the details like Academic Year,Application/Registration
         fee,Class and Contact Details(Father/Mother) accordingly.Click on Get Students.
         iii) If Newly Admitted Students option is selected, fill the details like Academic Year ,Class and
         Contact Details(Father/Mother) accordingly.Click on Get Students.

Step 4:
         The list of the students according to the given details will appear. Select the students accordingly. The
          total count and the selected count will be displayed on the top.Click on Proceed.

Step 5:
         Give the Message description according to your preference.If you want to send the SMS in other
         languages also, select Send Other Languages SMS checkbox and then select the language.
         The given message will be translated in to the selected language. Click on Send SMS.