How to send Transport Information through Email?

How to send Transport Information through Email?

To send transport information through email , please follow the steps given below:

Step 1: 
          To send transport information through email , go to the connect on modules pallette, go to Email and select
           send email under email menu.
                                      (Connect-->Email-->Email-->Send Email)

Step 2:
          Select the Transport option. Details to be filled will appear.

Step 3:
          Fill in the details like Routes(single/multiple),from mail Bus route, Route type(pickup/drop),
          Class User type(parent/student) ,Status(active/inactive), Contact details , Gender, 
          Category (hostel/residential/semi residential).

Step  4:
          Click on Get Users option. The user count will be shown. If you want to send the mail to selected students
           then select for selected students only check box. Student details will be shown and then select the students.

Step 5:
          Give the subject and message of the email. Click on Send Email option. Then, the mail will be sent according to 
           the details given. Attachments can also be uploaded by selecting Choose Files option.

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