How to send WhatsApp Opt-In Details to the parents?

How to send WhatsApp Opt-In Details to the parents?

To send the WhatsApp Opt-In details to the parents, please follow the steps below:

Step 1: 
         To send the WhatsApp Opt-In details to the parents, go to the connect on the modules pallette, go to the                                             notifications module and then select send whatsapp opt-in details under the template based notification menu.
                         (Connect-->Notifications-->Template Based Notification-->Send WhatsApp Opt-In Details) 

Step 2:
         Fill in the details like User Type(Student/Parent or Staff), Class & Section, Contact Details and then,Click on  the                               Continue Option.

Step 3:
         Student details and the parent details along the whatsapp opt-in details message can be seen on the  displayed                                  page.
          a) If you want to send the opt-in details to a parent of the particular student, search the name of the student in the
          search bar then respective details will appear. Select the check box given beside his/her name.
          b) If you want send the opt-in details to all parents of all the students of mentioned class &section, select the All                               checkbox option so that all the students will be selected.

Step 4:
          Click on the Send Notification option. Then the WhatsApp Opt-In details will be send to the parents according to the
           details  given.

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