How to set up the Online Forms format?

How to set up the Online Forms format?

To set up the Online Forms format , follow the steps given below:

Step 1:
          To set up the Online Forms format, go to the Profile Icon and select the Settings. Under the Admissions
           module settings select the Branch Admission Settings.
                             (Profile Icon-->Settings-->Admissions-->Branch Admission Settings)

Step 2:
         Select the Branch accordingly.Select the Online Forms option.Three options like Online Enquiry Form,
         Online Application form and Online Registration form will be appeared. Select the option against which you
         want to set up the online form format.

Step 3:
         Select the +Browse Forms against the selected option(Online Enquiry/Application/Registration forms)
         The details to be selected will appear.

Step 4:
         Select the Organisation specific/ Branch Specific and Include Branch Header Logo check boxes according
         to your preference.On the left side of the displayed page different formats of the forms will be given.
         Select accordingly and then click on Apply option.

Step 5:
         After setting up the form formats for all the Online forms like Enquiry form,Application form and Registration
         form according to your preference, click on Save option.
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