How to set up/add the Student GR Numbers?

How to set up/add the Student GR Numbers?

To set up/add the Student GR Numbers, follow the steps given below:

Step 1:
          To set up/add the Student GR Numbers, go to the Profile Icon , select the Settings and under the
          Admissions module Settings , select the Student GR No. Settings.
                         (Profile Icon-->Settings-->Admissions-->Student GR No.Settings)

Step 2:
         Click on Add Student GR No. option. Select the Academic Year,Branch,Class Type,Class, Set Starting No
          and Set Prefix. Then, click on Save option.

Step 3:
         To Edit, click on the edit icon against the respective details , update the details and click on Update. Details
         can also be deleted by clicking on the delete icon against the respective branch details.
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