How to transfer stock from one branch to another branch?

How to transfer stock from one branch to another branch?

To transfer or change stock from one branch to another branch, follow the steps given below:


Step 1:
         Select the Inventory module and then select the Branch Stock Transfer under the Stock Management
                            (Inventory-->Stock Management-->Branch Stock Transfer)

Step 2:
        Select the Branch Stock Transfer option then select Branch, Date Type, give the dates accordingly then
        click on Get.

Step 3:
       Select the Outward option and then click on +Stock Transfer from Branch. Select Transfer to Branch
       option. Select the To Store and To Branch. 

Step 4:
        Select the Classification(Kitchen/General/Staff/Student/All) , Item Name, Quantity. To add multiple
        items, click on the +Add option given and add multiple items at a single go then click on Save.

PATH - 2

Step 1:
        Select the Inventory module and then select the Branch Stock Details under the Item Details
                            (Inventory-->Item Details-->Branch Stock Details)

Step 2:
        Select the Branch, Date Type, give the dates accordingly then click on Get.

Step 3:
       Select the Outward option and then click on +Stock Transfer from Branch. Select Transfer to Branch
       option. Select the To Store and To Branch. 

Step 4:
        Select the Classification(Kitchen/General/Staff/Student/All) , Item Name, Quantity. To add multiple
        items, click on the +Add option given and add multiple items at a single go then click on Save.

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