How to Update Routes and its Details?

How to Update Routes and its Details?

➽ Follow the below path to add routes. You can define route names as per organization's requirement. 
PATH : Branch Level 🢂Transport 🢂Bus Routes Management 🢂Select The Academic Year and Tap 'GET' 🢂Add Bus Route.

 If you want to Bulk Upload Routes. You can Opt Upload tab from the given below path. 

PATH : Branch Level 🢂Transport 🢂Bus Routes Management 🢂Select The Academic Year and Tap 'GET' 🢂Upload Bus Route.

NOTE : While Adding the Bus Route, you need to add one class teacher/staff member, who have to be in charge.

⚠️ Also you can Copy the Bus Routes from One Academic Year to Another by following the below path.

PATH : Transport 🢂Transport 🢂Bus Routes Management 🢂Copy Routes from One Academic Year to the Next Academic Year.
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