To Update the PTM Feedback, follow the steps given below:
Step 1:
To Update the PTM Feedback, go to the ERP on the modules palette, select the SIS module and then
Select PTM Feedback under PTM menu.
(ERP-->SIS-->PTM-->PTM Feedback)
Step 2:
Select the Class, Section, PTM name accordingly and click on Get option. The student details along
with Principal Remarks, Class Teacher Remarks, Incharge/Co-ordinator Remarks, Subject Teacher
Remarks options will appear. Select the students accordingly against whom you want to update the
Step 3:
To Update the Principal Remarks, select the student accordingly and click on the +icon against the
principal remarks option. Fill the details like PTM Attendance(present/absent),Attended Parent Type
(father/mother, father & mother, guardian, others),Remarks and Parent Suggestions. Then, click on Save.
Step 4:
To Update the Class Teacher Remarks, select the student accordingly and click on the +icon against
the class teacher remarks option. Fill the details like Class Teacher, PTM Attendance(present/absent),
Attended Parent Type(father/mother, father & mother, guardian, others),Remarks and Parent Suggestions.
Then, click on Save.
Step 5:
To Update the Incharge/Class coordinator Remarks, select the student accordingly and click on the +icon
against the incharge/class co-ordinator remarks option. Fill the details like Incharge/Class co-ordinator, PTM
Attendance(present/absent),Attended Parent Type(father/mother, father & mother, guardian, others),Remarks and
Parent Suggestions. Then, click on Save.
Step 6:
To Update the Subject Teacher Remarks, select the student accordingly and click on the
+icon against
the class teacher remarks option. Fill the details like Subject, Subject Teacher, PTM Attendance(present/absent),
Attended Parent Type(father/mother, father & mother, guardian, others),Remarks and Parent Suggestions.
Then,click on Save.