How to Upload the Absentees?

How to Upload the Absentees?

To Upload the Absentees,follow the steps given below:

PATH - 1

Step 1:
          To Upload the Absentees,go to the ERP on the modules palette,select the SIS module and then
           select Upload Student Absentees under the Attendance menu.
                                        (ERP-->SIS-->Attendance-->Upload Student Absentees)

Step 2:
          Choose Class,Section and Date. Then, Click on Get option. The Total Count of the Students along with
          the Present and Absent count will be given.

Step 3:
          Select the option Do you Want Upload absentees. Select the Enrollment Code option or
          Reference Code/Admission no option accordingly by which you want to upload Absentees.

Step 4:
          Select the Browse option and select the respective file with .csv extension having the details of
          the absentees Enrollment Code/Reference Code/Admission no. Then,Click on Upload.

PATH - 2

Step 1:
          To Upload the Absentees,go to the ERP on the modules palette,select the SIS module and then
           select Give Daily Attendance under the Attendance menu.
                                        (ERP-->SIS-->Attendance-->Give Daily Attendance)

Step 2:
         Select the Upload Attendance option.Choose Class,Section and Date. Then, Click on Get option.
         The Total Count of the Students along with the Present and Absent count will be given.

Step 3:
         Select the option Do you Want Upload absentees. Select the Enrollment Code option or
         Reference Code/Admission no option accordingly by which you want to upload Absentees.

Step 4:
          Select the Browse option and select the respective file with .csv extension having the details of
          the absentees Enrollment Code/Reference Code/Admission no. Then, Click on Upload.

Reference Video Link  Upload the Absentees

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