What is Subject Reflection and how to add or update the Subject Reflections?

What is Subject Reflection and how to add or update the Subject Reflections?

Subject Reflection is the Observation made by the Teacher and Parent In Specific Learning Categories.  We can define Categories And Sub
Categories to record the Observations, update a grade and upload evidence for the same by teachers and Parents to generate a Student
Portfolio. To add or update the Subject Reflection,please follow the steps given:

Step 1:
        Select the Grade Book module and then select Create Subject Reflections sub menu under the Manage menu.
                                         (Grade Book--> Manage--> Create Subject Reflections)

Step 2:
        Against the branch name, click on Get option. With respect to class of your preference, click on the + icon given.
        Select the Subject Name, Chapter Name and Reflection Type accordingly then click on Save. To edit or update,
        click on the Edit or Delete icons respectively against the Subject reflection.

Step 3:
        To add the Sub subject reflections, click on the + icon against the respective subject reflection give the name and sequence
         number then click on Save. 

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