What is the Use of the Transport Module and what are the Steps to Follow?

What is the Use of the Transport Module and what are the Steps to Follow?

★ By availing transport module by students/staff, mode of Transport to school will be fixed. You can use Transport module to assign bus routes to students/staff, and also to collect Transport Fee by allocating fee plans to students/staff according to their route distances. You can also take attendance within the bus/van before reaching the School. You can facilitate Tracking by integrating VTS (Vehicle Tracking System) in the vehicle. Parents can track their children bus to School and get Transport Notifications to the parents. You can monitor vehicle, by updating vehicle details and its maintenance.

 Follow the below steps to use the Transport Module.

📣 Step 1 : To use Transport module, initially vehicle details must be loaded.
📣 Step 2 : Transport Staff details should be Updated(Drivers and Cleaners).
📣 Step 3 : Create Bus Routes.
📣 Step 4 : Add Bus Stops against Routes.
📣 Step 5 : Create Transport Fee plans and assign fee plans against Routes.
📣 Step 6 : Assign Bus Routes to Students/Staff.

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