L1 Questions
How to Assign or Unassign Language to Students?
To Assign or Unassign Language to Students ,follow the steps given below: Step 1: SIS-->Enrollments-->Assign Languages-->Select the Board and Class-Section accordingly. Then, select the Subject Wise option. Click on Get option. Step 2: The Languages ...
How to mark Preparatory holiday attendance for the Students?
To give or mark or enter the preperatory holidays attendance for students, manual marking of attendance is not needed.If the Date which is selected to enter attendance is marked as Preperatory Holiday then by default all the students will be marked ...
How to enter or update the student Aadhar Card Numbers?
To enter or update or change the student Aadhaar card numbers,please follow the given path: SIS-->Enrollments-->Update Student details-->click on Aadhaar/passport/visa-->select the respective student and give or update the student Aadhaar ...
How to update or edit the admission number or reference code?
To update or edit the Admission number or Reference code, follow the path given: SIS-->Enrollments-->Update Student details-->select class-section-->click on get-->select Student Details-->click on Reference Code -->click on the Admission ...
How to update the student monthly attendance?
To update students monthly attendance, follow the given path: SIS-->Attendance-->Student monthly attendance-->Select the Class- Section-Term-Month-->Click Get--> Enter Monthly Attendance Manually -->Update accordingly and click on Save Attendance.
How to Edit or Update the Student Details?
To Edit or Update the Student details, please follow the given path: SIS-->Enrollments-->Update Student details-->select the class & section,click Get-->click student Details-->select the respective student against that click on Action-->Edit the ...
How to get a report of Financially Promoted Students?
To Generate or Get or View a Report of Financially Promoted Students, follow the given path: SIS ---> Reports ---> Financial Promote Students Report ---> Select the Academic year,Class, Section, Date Range---> Click on Show Report ---> You can export ...
How to upload the students?
To upload or update or add the students, please follow the given path: SIS-->Enrollments-->Student Details-->click Upload Student Details-->Assign section to classes-->Next-->click on View File Format -->fill the required fields in Excel & save the ...
How to add or update/upload Personal Education Numbers(PEN) of students/parents?
To add or update/upload PEN Number of the students, follow the given path: SIS-->Enrollments-->Update Student details--> Select class and click on get-->Select Personal Education No's Click on student/parents PEN Number against the respective student ...
How to check or view the student Monthly attendance Report?
To view or check the monthly attendance of the students or the Student Monthly attendance, follow the path given: SIS-->Reports-->Student Attendance Report-->click on Student Monthly Attendance Report-->select the class & section,month,status--> ...
How to edit or update or correct attendance of the students?
To edit or update or correct the attendance of the students, follow the given path: SIS-->Attendance-->Give Daily Attendance-->click on Give attendance-->select class,section,Date-->click on get students-->click on edit icon accordingly and click on ...
How to set or assign or update Enrollment code of students?
To set or assign, the enrollment code it is not possible for the users, because it cannot be updated or assigned manually, it is system generated.
How to find or check or view the student caste Details?
To find or check or view the Student Caste Details, follow the steps given below: SIS-->Reports-->Student Contact Details-->Select the Class,Section,Categories and Status of the students accordingly.Then,Click on Show Report option.
How to check attendance of the students or student attendance report?
To check attendance of the Students or view Student Attendance Report,follow the given path: SIS-->Reports-->Student Attendance Report-->select the Date Type,Report type, classes-->click 'Show Report'--> You can also check the Session wise Student ...
How to assign subject to a teacher?
To assign subject to a teacher / to assign teacher or staff to a subject, follow the given path: SIS-->Timetable-->Teacher Management-->click on subject teacher-->select the respective board-->click on assign subject teacher-->search staff--> click ...
How to Enter Principal Diary?
You can enter a principal diary which contains all the details of the activities/ work done for the day by following the path described below. Here you can see the Attendance of students and staff, activities, admissions, promotions, shuffling and ...
How to Update students as Alumni?
To move the passed out students to Alumni, follow the given path. SIS ---> Enrollments ---> Promoting Students ---> Select the Class, Sections & Promoting AY ---> Click on All Student List ---> Select the Students ---> Select the Promotion Type as ...
What is Branch Activity Log Report?
In this report, you can see an overview of the activities in a branch like admissions, promotions, shuffling of students for a selected day. SIS ---> Reports ---> Branch Activity Log Report ---> Select the Branch, Academic Year, Date and Format ---> ...
How to generate a Report of Financially Promoted Students?
You can view the list of students who are financially promoted by following the path given below. SIS ---> Reports ---> Financial Promote Students Report ---> Select the Class, Section, Date Range & AY ---> Click on Show Report ---> You can export ...
Where can you see the Attendance Report of Exams?
To generate the attendance report of examinations conducted, follow the path below. SIS ---> Reports ---> Examinations Attendance ---> Select the Class Group, Classes & Examination ---> Click on Get.
How to download Class Teachers list?
To get a list of class teachers assigned for all the classes, follow the path outlined here. SIS ---> Reports ---> Class Teachers List ---> Select AY and click on Show Report ---> You can export the file by clicking on Excel or Print Icon.
How to download Student Attendance Report?
To view a consolidated report of the student attendance for a Branch, follow the path outlined below. SIS ---> Reports ---> Student Attendance Report ---> Select the Branch, Date Type, Report Type & Classes ---> Click on Show Report ---> Here you ...
How to get a list of Inactive Students?
To generate Inactive students report, follow the path outlined below. SIS ---> Reports ---> Inactive students ---> Select the Branch, Class, Section & AY ---> Select Date Range and Click on Get ---> Select Inactive and click on excel to download the ...
How to Get Subject Teachers list?
You can generate a report on the Subject teachers list class and subject wise by following the path below SIS ---> Reports ---> Subject Teachers List ---> Select the Class & Subjects ---> Click on Get ---> You can download the list by clicking on ...
How to download the list of Shuffled students?
You can generate a report of the students list who has been shuffled in between branches or classes and sections by following the path. SIS ---> Reports ---> Shuffled students ---> Select Report Type (i.e., Branch Transfer In/ Out/ Class Section ...
How to check or download Siblings Report?
You can generate a report on the list of siblings in a branch by following the path. SIS ---> Reports ---> Sibling Report ---> Select Branch, Class, Section, Fee Type & Category ---> Click on Show Report ---> You can Edit the Columns shown in the ...
How to Update or make corrections or Edit Student Details?
To Update or make corrections or Edit Student Details , follow the steps given below: Step 1: To or edit Update the Student Details, select ERP on the Modules palette , select SIS module and then select the Update Student Details under Enrollments ...
How to update Academic year start date
Follow the below path to update the Academic year start date. Settings --> SIS --> Academic year settings --> Select the Academic year and click on Get --> Academic year Start dates --> Add New Note: Set the date of academic year beginning for each ...
How the students will be considered as siblings
If the Parent's Aadhaar number or mobile number or Government Unique Id for the Father / Mother is updated as same then it will be considered as siblings. Sibling profiles matching order India : 1.Parent Aadhaar No's, 2.Parent Mobile No's, ...
Student Class/Section Details Not Updated In The Mobile App After Shuffling
After shuffling (Class/Section) the student, it will take 24 Hrs of time to update the details in the Parent app. If you want the changes to be reflected with immediate effect, you can use the "Data Checker". Click on "Data Checker" located at the ...
Student details are showing multiple times, how to fix this
If the students are showing multiple times in the reports, Follow the below steps to fix the student data mismatched records. Click on "Data Checker" located at the dash board against the students data field --> Select the Type and hit Get --> Click ...
How to create branch academic months
Follow the below path to create the academic months Settings --> SIS --> Academic year settings --> Select the Academic year and hit Get --> Branch Academic Year Months Note: The academic months are used for attendance, Grade book structures and ...
How to create master subjects
Follow the below path to create the Master subjects. SIS --> Subjects --> Subject Creation --> Master Subjects / Subject Groups Note: Master Subjects feature helps the school to group the subjects that are used across different academic years to one ...
How to Upload Student/Parent/Guardian Photos
To upload or update student/parent/guardian photo, follow the path given: Method 1: SIS --> Enrollments --> Update Student details --> Parent Details --> Parent Photos Method 2: SIS --> Enrollments --> Manage Profile Photos Method 3: Search the ...
How to change language and optional subjects for students
Follow the below path to update the Language/Optional subjects SIS --> Enrollments --> Assign Languages
How to assign timetable structure to classes
Follow the below path to assign the timetable structure SIS --> Timetable --> Timetable Structure --> Schedule Timetable --> Select the Class --> Assign Structure to Sections
How to create daywise timetable
Follow the below path to create the daywise timetable SIS --> Timetable --> Timetable Structure --> Day Wise Timetable --> Click on Eye icon against the time table --> Add Day Wise --> Update the details and Save
How to create timetable structure
Follow the below path to create the timetable structure SIS --> Timetable --> Timetable Structure --> Add
How to update Student RFID/Biometric code
Follow the below path to update the Student Biometric code/RFID SIS --> Enrollments --> Update Student details --> Bio-Metric/RFID --> Select the Class and section --> Click on Get --> Update the details and click on Tick symbol to save
How to update the parent details
Follow the below path to update the parent details Branch Level --> SIS --> Enrollments --> Update Student details --> Parent details Note: If the student got promoted to next academic year and want to update the parent details in the previous year, ...
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