L1 Questions
How to enable or activate VTS?
To enable or activate VTS, follow the path given: Select the Profile icon--> Under Need Help? option, select the VTS Activation-->Fill the details like Point of Contact, Mobile Number, Email and write the Description then submit the Request--> Then, ...
How to Add Cleaner for Transport?
To add or update the cleaner for Transport, follow the below path: Transport-->Transport-->Bus Routes Management-->select the academic year & Branch-->click on get-->select Manage Transport Staff-->click on Add Transport Staff-->Enter the mobile ...
How to view transport fee due report?
To view transport due report, follow the path given: Transport-->Transport-->Transport Fee Receivables-->Select Academic year-->Student Status-->click on Get-->select Transport Fee Paid & Due report. The student details will appear accordingly.
How to Add Cleaner under transportation?
To add or create the cleaner for Transportation, follow the below path: Transport-->Transport-->Bus Routes Management-->select the academic year & Branch--> Click on Get-->Select Manage Transport Staff-->Click on Add Transport Staff-->Enter the ...
How to add or manage the Bus Routes and Stops?
To add or manage the Bus Routes& Stops ,Follow the given path: Transport ---> Bus Routes Management ---> Select the Academic year,branch and Click on 'Get ---> Create Bus Route ---> click on +Add Bus Route ---> Fill the Respective fields ---> click ...
How can we collect the transport fee?
➽ Transport fee can be collected from Accountant by using the Finance module, or the Transport in charge can collect the fee by using the Transport module. PATH : Branch Level ?Transport ?Transport ?Transport Fee Receipt Entry.
How can we assign transport routes to transport fee-assigned students?
➽ You can assign the Transport Routes to Transport fee-assigned students using this screen. Follow the below path to assign the Routes. PATH : Branch Level ?Transport ?Transport ?Assign Routes to Transport slab assigned Students.
How to assign bus routes to the students?
➽ Once fee plans are assigned to Routes, we can assign bus routes to students. To implement, do follow below given path. PATH : Branch Level ?Transport ?Transport ? Assign Transport Fee To Students ? Select the Bus Routes ?Add Students to Stop & ...
How to assign transport routes to fee plans?
➽ To assign routes to students, in prior you need to assign fee plan routes by following the below path. Path: Branch Level ?Transport ?Transport ?Assign Transport Fee to Student ?Assign bur route to students ? Assign Bus Routes to Fee Plans ...
How can we upload bus routes to students?
➽ To map and upload bulk students to Type and Route, do follow below path. PATH : Branch level ?Transport ?Transport ?Upload Bus Routes to Students ?Select Type ?Select the Route and Enrollment Code/Reference Code ?Upload the sheet ?Validate ...
How to give transport attendance?
➽ To note down attendance of students, when they hop in bus/van, please do check the given below path. PATH : Branch level ?Transport ?Transport ?Give Transport Attendance. ✨ If bus/van is possessed with RFID integration, you can rely on RFID ...
How to assign vehicle to multiple branches?
➽ You can run/use same vehicle for multiple branches, for it to track, do assign vehicle to branches being used. PATH : Admin Login ?Transport ?Transport ?Assign Vehicles to branches.
How can we upload vehicles in bulk?
➽ To upload complete vehicle details in bulk, do follow below path. PATH : Branch level ?Transport ?Transport ?Bus Routes Management ?Select the Academic Year and Tap 'GET' ?Vehicle details ?Upload Vehicle Details. ✨ Within the same page of ...
Where to add vehicle drivers and cleaners?
➽ To add drivers and staff for respective vehicles, please do follow the given below path. PATH : Transport ?Transport ?Bus Routes Management ?Select the Academic Year and Tap 'GET' ?Manage Transport Staff ?Add Transport Staff. ✨ In adding ...
How can we add new vehicle details?
➽ To start using transport module, you need to enter with vehicle details. Where to enter is guided below. PATH : Branch level ?Transport ?Vehicle Management ?Vehicle details ?Vehicle Details. ✨ Vehicle information, Route Permit and Registration ...
How to create bus route ?
➽ To create bus route, you need to shift to branch level. PATH : Branch level ?Transport Module ?Transport ?Bus Routes Management ?Add Bus Route.
How to create transport Fee type ?
➽ In admin level access, you can create new transport fee type. PATH : Organization level ?Settings ?Finance ?Create Fee Types ?Add Fee Type. ✨ When creating a transport fee type, you are supposed to opt TRANSPORT as TYPE OF FEE.
How to get the complete transport summary report
➽ To monitor transport summary including slab/route wise of every paid and due students, do follow the given below path. PATH : Transport ?Reports ?Transport Summary.
Where to know vehicle mileage details branch wise?
➽ To monitor vehicle mileage details of every single vehicle, follow the given below path. PATH : Transport ?Reports ?Vehicle Mileage Details.
How to check vehicle's seating capacity of a vehicle
➽ To get details of seating capacity of bus/van or any type of vehicle for transport usage to students, do follow the below given path. PATH : Transport ?Reports ?Vehicle seating capacity.
How to check students address for pickup and drop?
➽ To extract students addresses through google map for transport usage of every class, please do follow below given path. PATH : Transport ?Reports ?Student Address Google Map.
How to get details of transport maintenance of each vehicle?
➽ To monitor maintenance details of every single vehicle as per branch, please do follow the below given path. PATH : Transport ?Reports ?Bus Wise Expenses Details.
Where to get details and expenses spent for break down vehicles?
➽ To know the type of repair and expenses spent on break down vehicles, please do follow the below given path. PATH : Transport ?Reports ?Bus Wise Expenses Details.
How to get Bus Wise Expense Details by dates?
➽ To know how many times fuel is filled with what quantity and price per day or total six months for vehicle wise, do follow the below path. PATH : Transport ?Reports ?Bus Wise Expenses Details. ✨ To retrieve expenses vehicle wise, when hovered to ...
How to check student wise drop timings in month wise?
➽ To know the details of students drop timings at their places, please follow the given below path. PATH : Transport ?Reports ?Monthwise Transport Details Report
How to check student wise pick up timings in month wise?
➽ To know details of student timings for pick up including its places, based on month wise, do follow the given below path. PATH : Transport ?Reports ?Monthwise Transport Details Report.
How to retrieve student bus/van attendance?
➽ To track or to retrieve students bus attendance on any particular date, do follow the below given path. PATH : Transport ?Reports ?Student Bus Attendance.
Where can we track vehicle fuel details?
➽ To track down complete vehicle fuel details which includes date of filling, fuel meter readings, oil price, vehicle mileage, number of kilometers, etc., do follow the given below path. PATH : Transport ?Reports ?Vehicle Fuel Details.
How can we get transport details report?
➽ To Get Transport details report month wise or Till date along with Route Details and Fee Due. PATH : Branch level ?Transport ?Reports ?Month wise Transport Details Report.
Where can we get student transport attendance report?
➽ To get the attendance report date-wise, please do follow the given Path. PATH : Branch Level ?Transport ?Reports ?Students Bus Attendance. ★ Within the mentioned Path, you can check Students Class Attendance too as well as Transport attendance.
How can we assign staff to bus route?
➽ If staff wants to avail transport facility, we need to assign bus route to staff as shown in the given below Path. PATH : Branch level ?Transport ?Transport ?Bus Routes Management ?Assign Bus Route to Staff ?Select Bus Route, Academic Year and ...
Where can we retrieve Transport fee due students?
➽ To reach out to Transport Fee Due Students, please follow the below Path. PATH : Branch Level ?Transport ?Transport ?Transport Fee receivables.
How can we update transport maintenance entry, and what more details can we update?
➽ We can update vehicle with Periodic checking, Servicing details, repairs, breakdowns, and fuel details in the given below PATH. ★ Vehicle Periodic Checking entry : ⮕ By using this, you can update general vehicle maintenance details. PATH : Branch ...
How can we add Transport maintenance types?
➽ You can Select from pre-defined Transport Maintenance types in the given below Path. These maintenance types will be displayed, while entering Bus Maintenance in the Transport Maintenance entry. PATH : Branch Level ?Transport ?Vehicle Management ...
How can we Create/Add Private Transport Vendors and assign Students
➽ If Schools/Colleges are not providing Transport Facility from their end, they can choose private transport and can update Third party Vendor details in portal by the following manner. PATH : Branch Level ?Transport ?Transport ?Private Transport ...
How can we add Special Routes for Students?
➽ If the Student travels on a different Route for some days, you can assign Special Routes to students in the given below Path. PATH : Branch Level ?Transport ?Transport ?Assign Transport Fee To Student ?Assign bus routes to Student ?Select the ...
How can we collect the Transport Fee?
➽ Transport fee can be collected by accountant through Financial Module or Transport in charge can collect fee by using Transport Module. PATH : Branch Level ?Transport ?Transport ?Transport Fee Receipt Entry.
How can we assign the transport routes to transport fee-assigned students?
➽ You can assign the Transport Routes to Transport fee-assigned students using this screen. Follow the below path to assign the Routes. PATH : Branch Level ?Transport ?Transport ?Assign Routes to Transport slab assigned Students.
How to assign Bus Routes to the Students?
➽ Once the Fee plans are assigned to the Routes, we can allocate Bus Routes to Students by following the below path. PATH : Branch level ?Transport ?Transport ?Assign Transport Fee to Student ?Select the Bus Routes ?Add Students to Stop and Fee ...
How to assign Transport(Bus/Van) Routes to Fee plans?
➽ To assign Routes to students, in prior we need to assign Routes to Fee plans by following the below path. PATH : Branch level ?Transport ?Transport ?Assign Transport Fee to Student ?Assign Bus Route to Students ?Assign Bus Routes to Fee Plans ...
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